Saturday, April 22, 2006

SHARPIE Charlie!!

OMG, if only ya'll could have been here to experience this in person. I'm in my back room and in comes Alan and Jenna LAUGHING hysterically, carrying Sharpies in their hands. I know they had to have tortured Charlie yet again...(he has a thing about Sharpies, can't stand the smell, so Alan always tries to get the markers close to his nose, DRIVES ME UP THE WALL!) so I said WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY POOR DOG NOW!? Well I look at him and he has BLACK SHARPIE BETWEEN HIS EYES! I flipped out. THEN Alan says WAIT let me finish drawing his HARRY POTTER glasses. And I said NO! It turned into this hysterical event. I went after Alan to SHARPIE him, and he gets me right back because he's a lot stronger. Of course I'm wearing a WHITE sweater, so I said FINE, surrended and fell in my chair practically peeing myself. Quite the comedy...Here's Charlie: (Oh and don't worry, it was easily removed and Charlie gave Alan a great big kiss!)


Just this Girl said...

sounds kinky. sharpies. white sweaters. you're nutso girl! but that's why i love you so much

Kara said...

HAHAHA! I hadn't thought of it that way. We were just being dorks last night. Poor Charlie had to pay the price. I have more updates to do I KNOW, but this one will have to do!

caroline said...

awww he is soooo cute!