Saturday, March 08, 2008

4 Year Anniversary

Thursday was the 4-year anniversary of when me and Alan met at the Kings game. They played the Montreal Canadiens, and guess what? That's who the Kings are playing right now, in LA. March 6, 2004 was the last time the Habs were in Los Angeles. Pretty wild huh?

We celebrated at home. I made a yummy chicken salad. Grilled up some chicken in olive oil, with garlic, salt/pepper and added it to romaine lettuce with green onions and cucumbers (chopped REALLY small). Then I topped it with gorgonzola cheese and Girard's Champagne dressing. I could literally drink the stuff, so the salad was AWESOME. Alan really liked it too.

Alan brought me some GREEN flowers and a PINK plant. Hehe and two really cute cards. I made him one.

Here are some pictures:

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